The Capital in a State of Flux. Vienna during the First World War and in the Early 1920s
Fr, 01/04/2016 – 08:30 bis 10:30
Medical Faculty of the University of Valencia, Salon de Grados, Nivel 1, Valencia, Spanien
Conference Panel at ESSHC 2016 in Valencia
Sema Colpan, Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah: Prowling Round the City. Juvenile Delinquency in Vienna around 1920
Deborah Holmes: Joseph Roth and Feuilleton Journalism as Social History
Michaela Scharf: “The Immanent Danger.” Prostitution in Vienna during the First World War and its Aftermath
Katalin Teller: Viennese Railway Stations at War and afterwards
Organizer (Conference): International Institute of Social History (IIHS)
Organizer (Panel): Katalin Teller