Research in I-Media-Cities
Mo, 22/10/2018 – 12:00 bis 13:30
Greek Film Archive, 48, Iera Odos & 134-136 Megalou Alexandrou Str., GR-104 35 Kerameikos, Athens, Greece
Lecture by Ingo Zechner at the conference “Digital Cinephilia in the Archives: European Cities from grain to pixel”
On the conference:
In the context of I-Media-Cities – Innovative E-environments for research on cities and the media – the Greek Film Archive in collaboration with the Laboratory of Audiovisual Media of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, organise on the 22 October 2018 the one day conference “Digital Cinephilia in the Archives: European Cities from grain to pixel”.
I-Media-Cities is an ambitious and innovative research project that aims at providing access to historically unique digital films and photos of 9 European cities – Athens, Barceleona, Bologna, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Vienna, Turin – inviting new approaches to multidisciplinary research on this content, while also stimulating business innovation and improving overall accessibility of European cultural heritage. I-Media-Cities brings together 9 European audiovisual archives, 6 research institutions, 2 technological providers and 1 specialist in digital business models and strives to be a cross-border, cross-language platform for the study of the history and urban development of large EU cities through large media collections previously not accessible, and the study of the history of media through the way they depicted urban spaces.
In the one day conference “Digital Cinephilia in the Archives: European Cities from grain to pixel” theoretical and methodological issues of the relatively new academic field of digital humanities will be addressed. Also, research partners from I-Media-Cities will provide their reflections on working in and with the I-Media-Cities platform. European archivists will discuss what can be learned form I-Media-Cities, its importance in terms of European cultural heritage policies as well as future synergies.
Organizer: Greek Film Archive
Cooperation partners: Laboratory of Audiovisual Media of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens