Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities
Mo, 06/07/2015 (Ganztägig) bis Fr, 10/07/2015 (Ganztägig)
Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien
Traditional research in the social sciences and humanities is challenged by the emergence of new methods and tools that allow us to gain and compute more knowledge integrating various data sources.
The Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities discusses the possibilities of computer science-based research methods in the Digital Humanities while at the same time investigating the epistemological challenges of these methods as well as their theoretical bases and implications. It will explore a wide range of digital practices and methods that are becoming more and more widespread in the social sciences and humanities. Furthermore, the Summer School will offer participants hands-on experience with tools and techniques.
Organizers: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society and the E-Commerce Group at the Vienna University of Technology.
Sponsor: Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)