“Exploring the Interwar World: The Travelogues of Colin Ross (1885–1945)”
Fr, 15/01/2016 – 14:00 bis Sa, 16/01/2016 – 14:00
Campus University of Vienna, Court 3, Door 3.2, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna
Workshop des Projekts „Welterkundung zwischen den Kriegen: Die Reisefilme des Colin Ross (1885–1945)“
Nico de Klerk: The Evanescing adventure
Joachim Schätz: Travelogue Form and its Geopolitical Infelctions in Achtung Australien! Achtung Asien!
Katalin Teller: Ross’s war reports and the conventions of the genre
Some months into the research project Exploring the interwar world: the travelogues of Colin Ross (1885–1945) at LBI for History and Society, the contours that emerge from collating information from Ross’s work collected so far warrants a first discussion. We will present our preliminary findings about the media in which Ross worked: print, cinema, and photography. And we have made ample time to discuss these presentations with a number of experts who, we think, can suggest signposts for both contextualization and further research.
Organizer: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society (LBIGG)
Sponsors: FWF Austrian Science Fund