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Rethinking Density: Art, Culture, and Urban Practices


Di, 16/01/2018 – 19:00


Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna – Institute for Art and Architecture, IKA Forum, first floor, Building N, entrance: Core A

Book presentation and talk at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Rethinking Density: Art, Culture, and Urban Practicesconsiders new perspectives and discussions related to the feature of density which for a long time has been part of urban-planning discourses and is now regaining the attention of artists and practitioners from a number of different disciplines.

Anamarija Batista, Szilvia Kovács, Carina Lesky (Eds.)
Rethinking Density: Art, Culture, and Urban Practices
Berlin, Sternberg Press, 2017
Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Vol. 20

In an interplay of models, coping strategies, and experimental approaches, this publication combines research from cultural studies, artistic research, sound studies as well as architectural and urban theory. The disciplines face the challenge to explore and reflect social structures, situation-specific qualities and social awareness of urban realities based on a critical attitude and social justice. In this sense, this volume provides an overview of the methodological and thematic spectrum of recent research in the field of density.

With contributions by Anna Artaker, Anamarija Batista, Marc Boumeester, Meike S. Gleim, Nicolai Gütermann, Gabu Heindl, Improvistos (María Tula García Méndez, Gonzalo Navarrete Mancebo, Alba Navarrete Rodríguez), Sabine Knierbein, Szilvia Kovács, Elke Krasny, Brandon LaBelle, Antje Lehn, Carina Lesky, Agnes Prammer, Nicolas Remy, Nikolai Roskamm, Angelika Schnell, Jürgen Schöpf, Christabel Stirling, Johannes Suitner, Katalin Teller, Iván Tosics, Ivana Volić, Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah.

The editors will be present and talk to Chrisopher Dell.

Christopher Dell (Dr. habil.) is a theoretician and composer. Currently, he teaches as Professor for Urban Forms of Knowledge, Organisation Theory and Relational Forms of Practice in the research and teaching programme Urban Design at HafenCity University Hamburg. He is also director of ifit, Institute for Improvisation Technology, Berlin.


Organizer: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

a. Buchpräsentation: Rethinking Density: Art, Culture, and Urban Practices