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Colin Ross: Geopolitics, Ideology, and Propaganda


Sa, 05/11/2016 – 09:00 bis 18:00


Brewer Boardroom; The University of Missouri Campus; Columbia, Missouri, 65211

Workshop in course of the project “Exploring the Interwar World: The Travelogues of Colin Ross (1885–1945)“

This workshop brings together a group of US experts on German geopolitics, imperialism and ethnography as well as German discourses on the interwar USA to join project members in an analysis of these aspects of Colin Ross’s work. Pre-circulated primary materials (excerpts from Ross’s books, films, and articles) and research questions will be addressed in a series of focused discussions.

Organizer: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society (LBIGG)
Cooperation partner: University of Missouri
Sponsors: FWF Austrian Science Fund, The Office of the Vice Provost for International Programs at the University of Missouri

a. Workshop: Colin Ross: Geopolitics, Ideology, and Propaganda