Verdinglichung / Reification
Do, 20/06/2019 – 09:30 bis Mo, 24/06/2019 – 11:00
Kaštel Soardo-Bembo, Castel ul. 1, 52211, Bale – Valle, Croatia
XXI. Annual Conference of the international research network BTWH – Emergence of Modernity
Could we retell the history of modernity through objects, that is, think about an object-oriented modernity, and what might be gained (or lost) through such an approach?
Many are the ways of telling the story of modernity: crises of the subject, of language, of codes of representation, industrialization, urbanization, secularization, rationalization, social differentiation, etc. Rather than telling this story through the lens of the subject and its crises, this conference proposes to approach modernity through objects, and specifically, how objects emerge, what is ideologically encoded or hidden in them, how best to “read” them, what differentiates “objects” and “things”, what objects tend to draw our attention and why, in what ways they constitute a world, enable or prohibit critique.
Hosted by the BTWH – Freefloaters: Wolfgang Fichna, Kristin Kopp, Rob McFarland, Werner Schwarz
Organizer: BTWH-Network in cooperation with the Town of Bale, Općina Bale/Comune di Valle and the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula