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Memory of the Camps


Mo, 11/12/2017 – 10:00 bis Di, 12/12/2017 – 17:30


Ferdinandsaal, Picture Archives and Graphics Department, Austrian National Library Hofburg, 1010 Vienna

International Colloquium of the History Cluster, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft

The Holocaust and the Nazi concentration camps are main reference points of Europe’s political and cultural heritage. Nothing has had a bigger and more enduring impact on the imagination and representation of the Holocaust than film documents from the concentration camps recorded just subsequent to liberation. In a joint effort of research facilities, archives, museums, and memorial sites new digital technologies shall be used and developed to make these film documents accessible both on site and off site, and to combine them with still photographs and other images, oral testimonies and textual documents. This colloquium takes place in preparation of a Horizon 2020 proposal on the curation of digital assets.

Concept: Michael Loebenstein, Joachim Schätz, Ingo Zechner
Organizer: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society (LBIGG)
Sponsor: History Cluster, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft
Cooperation Partners: Austrian Film Museum, House of Austrian History