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Kick-off Meeting


Mi, 27/02/2019 – 09:15 bis Fr, 01/03/2019 – 20:00


Austrian Film Museum (OFM Theatre, Albertina building), Augustinerstraße 1, 1010 Vienna

The first Meeting of the Consortium after the official start of the project „Visual History of the Holocaust“ (VHH)

This first in a series of annual VHH Consortium Meetings provides the opportunity to lay out the vision and to discuss the work plan of the project.

A video conference is held with the EU Commission Project Officer supervising the project, details of administrative responsibilities and workflows are discussed. A one-day co-creation workshop is held to start the requirements elicitation for the future Visual History of the Holocaust Media Management and Search Infrastructure (VHH-MMSI). The three-day meeting concludes with on-site visits of the Mauthausen Memorial and the Gusen Memorial.

Organizers: Österreichisches FilmmuseumLudwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Gesellschaft

Cooperation Partners: Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, Colorlab, Imperial War Museums, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum